Hello all, I have yet come upon another major decision making question for my tank buiild which I will post here shortly. Mainly I am going to run a dart 3600 cloosed loop system with a total of 8 returns on the bottom of the tank with two drains as well on the bottom of the tank. The tank dimensions are 8' x 30" deep x 3' tall. I am debating on whether or not to run the cloosed loop without 2 ocean motion 4-ways or with them. I understand how they work and all, but I dont at the same time. I have run cloosed loop systems before without the OM 4 ways and it worked fine. What is the TRUE purpose of these or benefit, becuase water flow is flow, and the corals will grow either way so long as the proper flow is achieved.
I would really appreciate peoples appreciation of these OM that run them on their systems or know of people running them and what they think is benefitial. I hope this doesnt seem like to vague of a question or me rambling on about them. Just looking for people with experience with them. Thanks in advance. :strooper:
I would really appreciate peoples appreciation of these OM that run them on their systems or know of people running them and what they think is benefitial. I hope this doesnt seem like to vague of a question or me rambling on about them. Just looking for people with experience with them. Thanks in advance. :strooper:
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