Oceanic Salt Mix Shipping....

Todd March

Premium Member
Hey guys,

Can you tell me the shipping costs for Oceanic Salt in the 200 gal mix Bucket to Los Angeles, CA 90025. I know it's like 70+ pounds...?


Hi Todd,

It would cost 34.09 to ship one bucket UPS Ground. If you order 4 or more buckets, you can get a hundred weight UPS discount and we could knock off 15% off the shipping price.

Im only in Ohio (44905). What would it be to ship here? Why do many other places add so much xtra to have it shiped?

It would cost you 17.10 to ship to Ohio. Some places really mark up shipping. We charge the exact amount plus $1.00 to cover a special sized box to ship the bucket in. Otherwise UPS charges an extra 5.00 if you shipped it as a bucket, extra handling charge. So that 1.00 box actually saves money.
