New member
October 2010 Nano Tank of the Month - 24g Aquapod
Thank you all for voting for my aquarium! I really appreciate the support! It has been a lot of work but now the tank finally has that "matured look". The fact that reefing websites in general are available saved my aquarium, all of the reading that one can do is incredible!
How I started:
It seems like there has always been a freshwater aquarium in my life, but never a saltwater. I had been looking into saltwater somewhat, the fish that were available seemed incredible compared to the freshwater fish. I had no idea about coral! Starting out with a regular stock 24g aquapod, I have been upgrading it since.
My Equipment:
Aquapod 24g 19.75" x 17" x 20"
-Current USA 150w Sunpod, with a 14k Phoenix Bulb
-Warner Marine H1 Hang-On-Back Skimmer
-EcoTech Vortech MP10, stock return pump
- inTank Mediabasket, chemi-pure elite
Water Parameters:
Specific gravity: 1.026
pH: 8.0 - 8.4
Calcium: 450 ppm
Alkalinity: 9 dKH
Magnesium: 1400 ppm
Temp: 77-78 F
I cannot stress how important water changes are. They are the most beneficial thing you can do for your tank. Keeping up with them keeps everything happy, and I notice a slowdown in coral growth if I have not done a water change recently.
I keep a pretty simple maintenance schedule. A 4g water change once a week along with some glass cleaning usually takes care of it. I do have a skimmer, I empty the cup every time I perform a water change. Feeding is done every 2-3 days. At that time everything, I mean everything gets fed. I use twice as much food for my corals compared to my fish.
I have been trying to not use the common names for my corals, I want to memorize these version, even if I am pronouncing them incorrectly
Zoanthus spp
"¢ Duncanopsammia axifuga
"¢ Fungia tenuis
"¢ Ricordea florida
"¢ Euphyllia paradivisa
"¢ Caulastrea furcata
"¢ Euphyllia paranchora
"¢ Acanthastrea lordhowensis
"¢ Acropora microphthalma
"¢ Acropora tenuis
"¢ Montipora danae
"¢ Montipora Capricornis
"¢ Acropora millepora
"¢ Seriatopora hystrix
"¢ Stylophora
"¢ Montipora digitata
"¢ Montipora tuberculosa
"¢ Pocillopora
"¢ Trachyphyllia geoffroyi
"¢ Euphyllia glabrescens
"¢ Favites pentagona
"¢ Hydnophora
"¢ Blastomussa wellsi
"¢ Echinophyllia
"¢ Dendrophyllia
I would like to note that all of my coral started out with less than 3 polyps, and they were less than 1.5 inches tall/wide. This enabled me to start out with relatively cheap coral. I acquired the coral from many places many of the SPS locally, regardless it was nice starting out with frags compared to colonies.
"¢ Stichodactyla tapetum
"¢ Galathea inflate
"¢ Tridacna maxima
"¢ Tridacna crocea
"¢ Ecsenius midas
"¢ Paracheilinus mccoskeri
"¢ Stonogobiops yasha (I have two)
Now time for more eye candy!
Let me know if you have any questions, I would love to help. Thanks again nominating my aquarium!
Thank you all for voting for my aquarium! I really appreciate the support! It has been a lot of work but now the tank finally has that "matured look". The fact that reefing websites in general are available saved my aquarium, all of the reading that one can do is incredible!
How I started:
It seems like there has always been a freshwater aquarium in my life, but never a saltwater. I had been looking into saltwater somewhat, the fish that were available seemed incredible compared to the freshwater fish. I had no idea about coral! Starting out with a regular stock 24g aquapod, I have been upgrading it since.
My Equipment:
Aquapod 24g 19.75" x 17" x 20"
-Current USA 150w Sunpod, with a 14k Phoenix Bulb
-Warner Marine H1 Hang-On-Back Skimmer
-EcoTech Vortech MP10, stock return pump
- inTank Mediabasket, chemi-pure elite
Water Parameters:
Specific gravity: 1.026
pH: 8.0 - 8.4
Calcium: 450 ppm
Alkalinity: 9 dKH
Magnesium: 1400 ppm
Temp: 77-78 F
I cannot stress how important water changes are. They are the most beneficial thing you can do for your tank. Keeping up with them keeps everything happy, and I notice a slowdown in coral growth if I have not done a water change recently.
I keep a pretty simple maintenance schedule. A 4g water change once a week along with some glass cleaning usually takes care of it. I do have a skimmer, I empty the cup every time I perform a water change. Feeding is done every 2-3 days. At that time everything, I mean everything gets fed. I use twice as much food for my corals compared to my fish.
I have been trying to not use the common names for my corals, I want to memorize these version, even if I am pronouncing them incorrectly
Zoanthus spp
"¢ Duncanopsammia axifuga
"¢ Fungia tenuis
"¢ Ricordea florida
"¢ Euphyllia paradivisa
"¢ Caulastrea furcata
"¢ Euphyllia paranchora
"¢ Acanthastrea lordhowensis
"¢ Acropora microphthalma
"¢ Acropora tenuis
"¢ Montipora danae
"¢ Montipora Capricornis
"¢ Acropora millepora
"¢ Seriatopora hystrix
"¢ Stylophora
"¢ Montipora digitata
"¢ Montipora tuberculosa
"¢ Pocillopora
"¢ Trachyphyllia geoffroyi
"¢ Euphyllia glabrescens
"¢ Favites pentagona
"¢ Hydnophora
"¢ Blastomussa wellsi
"¢ Echinophyllia
"¢ Dendrophyllia
I would like to note that all of my coral started out with less than 3 polyps, and they were less than 1.5 inches tall/wide. This enabled me to start out with relatively cheap coral. I acquired the coral from many places many of the SPS locally, regardless it was nice starting out with frags compared to colonies.
"¢ Stichodactyla tapetum
"¢ Galathea inflate
"¢ Tridacna maxima
"¢ Tridacna crocea
"¢ Ecsenius midas
"¢ Paracheilinus mccoskeri
"¢ Stonogobiops yasha (I have two)
Now time for more eye candy!
Let me know if you have any questions, I would love to help. Thanks again nominating my aquarium!