odd critters


New member
Hello...While doing routine maintenance yesterday, I found three dime-sized critters in the top of my sump above the bio material that are best described as reddish-tan, almost snail-like in their movements. They are round, dome shaped, and have no shell or notable features. I removed them to the refugium and they immediately moved across the substrate and attached themselves to the rocks. I couldn't find anything readily available in books or web sites that fit their description. I have a 100g reef with lr, ls, sps, lps, softies, BTA, turbos, hermits, and other assorted small snails and inverts. We've been up and running for several months and the system appears to be in excellent health. Has anyone had a similar encounter with these guys? Thanks in advance for your replies!

mystery solved; the "odd critters" are bubble tip anemones. I checked them out this a.m. and found they are developing tentacles and moving about the live rock in the refugium. Wonders never cease...
I hope they aren't majanos...I checked out some pics to compare the two and what I have really looks like a small BTA...but I don't want to bet my system on it. Would you be so kind as to send a clear pic or two of majanos to me so I can be sure. I have a load of healthy ($$$) coral that I would hate to see destroyed by an infestation that sounds very difficult to erradicate. Thanks for the heads up on this one!!
Get a picture if you can and get it over to Dr. Ron. If they are moving that rapidly, they may also be Tulip Anemones, which Dr. Ron says are harmless.
sounds like....

sounds like....

sounds like you found some flat worms...if so putting them back in you tank was not wise. Do a search for a pic and look to see.
Re: sounds like....

Re: sounds like....

imbuggin said:
sounds like you found some flat worms...if so putting them back in you tank was not wise. Do a search for a pic and look to see.

Bud: if this guy has DIME-SIZED flatworms, I think we're all in trouble!:eek2: :eek2: :eek2:
Thanks guys...I don't think they are flatworms. That was my initial impression too, but they have attached to a rock (removable, thank God) in the refugium and are definetly an anemone. I'll check out tulip anemones and see what the story is with them. What I have looks exactly like a small version of the BTA (or what I thought was) ordered from Marine Depot about three months ago. It never developed the longer tentacles I thought typical of a BTA and my Tomato Clown never showed any interest. It was very mobile, but never harmed any corals...and it had plenty of opportunity. It has been missing since the new arrivals showed up in the sump, approximately a week ago.
DO THE SEARCH ON TULIP ANEMEONES (OOPS sorry for yelling there!) I had three of them in my tank and nuked them, but someone else asked Dr Ron about them and she posted pics, etc. in the trading forum under this year's thermos trades.

Mine were ULTRA mobile, detatching and jumping from one end of thetank to the other, but I never actually watched them motor across the rock or anything like that.
