Odyssea T5's

i have these on my frag tank and love them.They work great on my zoas.And the lights i have are the no type.Never had any problems.
if you want better t5 lights, get the t5ho setups. you can keep clams and sps with them as well. I do
I purchased the Odyssea 260w PC then I bought the 108w t5 Odyssea and the t5 was brighter than the pc I couldn't believe it.
and those were NO t5s. imagine how bright the t5hos are. i was truly amazed.

my tank is lit by 3x39 t5ho is brighter than a similarly sixed tank witha 250w mh on it...
I have the 48" HO t5's on my 55 (4 bulbs) I love them. The price was right, and they look great. I have heard bad things about aquatraders though... personally I would not order from there. I have had great luck with The Hobby Palace dot com. Great customer service and good prices. I have ordered a few times fom there. He lists stuff on ebay as well.

These lights seem too good to be true. I know that not having individual relectors, like the Tek, would be a big difference but what else?
they don't have individual reflectors that is true, the units are 2 bulb ones, so I have a reflector for every 2 bulbs. It is plenty bright.
They work...but the quality is low. To get nice lights from them you'll have to replace the bulbs and ballast...which makes them more expensive. You'll be stuck buying bulbs from them too as those are not the easier to find bulb size.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6530548#post6530548 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gussy
You'll be stuck buying bulbs from them too as those are not the easier to find bulb size.

HUH??? The bulb is standard t5 size and diameter.
Can someone confirm if bulb size and diameter is an issue when purchasing T5 light fixtures? I can understand how the quality of bulbs can be an issue but I would have to purchase all the lights for a Tek anyway. At least I could get some use out of the Odyssea's provided bulbs. The quality of the Tek appears to be better but the Odyssea comes with fans, three on/off switches, acrylic lens cover and the moonlights & stand is only $20 extra. I am not crazy about purchasing a high-end lighting system if I don't have to. But on the other hand, I don't want to buy a low quality light which may have to be replaced in a year or two. More suggestions are always welcome!
T5 is T5 is T5

T5 wheather it's 8w or 54w is 5/8 diameter,

the 54W 48"nominal bulbs are 46" in length (actually a little less)

I would never buy anything from AquaTraders again. There are a number of reports of the poor quality of thier stuff. I just had a halide unit blow up and if someone was not home to unplug the unit my house would have been torched.

This is not the only report of this happening.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6531698#post6531698 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BWilfong
I would never buy anything from AquaTraders again. There are a number of reports of the poor quality of thier stuff. I just had a halide unit blow up and if someone was not home to unplug the unit my house would have been torched.

This is not the only report of this happening.

About two weeks ago a capacitor in my 175w MH Odyssea caught fire. I too was lucky enough to have been home to unplug the unit and prevent any fire. Odyssea products are junk, they have little or no quality control, and zero warranty.
I have the 24in HO T5's X2(4 bulbs total) but not sure about the intensity of them, being this is my first pair of lights to buy for a marine tank.

What im saying is i dont know the limits of these lights , because i havent bought any light hog corals. One thing that does suck about the 24 inch model is that it is an odd size, like said before.

Another thing that sux is that the blue bulbs are not true actnics.

I have been dissapointed that there has not been more disscussion about these lights and the capability of them.

Cheap however, and got me started.

Keeping zoos that are multiplying like crazy, some hammer coral, candy coral, and a maze brain, under these lights.
I have the normal output ones on a 55 sea horse tank with softies, everything grows great.

On my reef I have the HO sets, they are good, not great.

I am upgrading to individual reflectors and icecap ballasts.

Want to buy mine, I have 3 of the 4 foot HO setups.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6536403#post6536403 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WarDaddy
I have the normal output ones on a 55 sea horse tank with softies, everything grows great.

On my reef I have the HO sets, they are good, not great.

I am upgrading to individual reflectors and icecap ballasts.

Want to buy mine, I have 3 of the 4 foot HO setups.

Is it possible to mod the 24 inch models of the T5 HO with icecap ballasts and reflectors? Is it worth the trouble?
not worth it... If you are going to buy ballasts and reflectors, just get good endcaps and call it a day.