Off to a great start


New member
Just picked up a ReefLink, I have tried setting up an Ecosmart Live account and logging in about 25 times. I have reset my password three times. I have tried on my phone through the app, on my Mac (in Safari) on the webpage, and also through the ReefLink setup. I have restarted my computer, I have tried it with the Reeflink USB plugged in and unplugged. I am 100% sure I am using the correct passwords.

This is monstrously aggravating for what really should be a simple task. Is it currently down or something?
Figured it out, not very user friendly. Clicking the "confirm account" button on an iPhone sends you to a login page but does not actually confirm your account :hmm5::hmm5::headwally::headwally:. I finally decided to try it from my mac (where I never, ever check my email) and it worked.