Oklahoma City Conference for Reef Aquarists and Saltwater Enthusiasts (CRASE).


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General Information.

The first annual Oklahoma City Conference for Reef Aquarists and Saltwater Enthusiasts (CRASE). This will be a single day event and will comprise keynote lectures by Dr Ron Shimek and Mr Steve Tyree, both of whom are distinguished speakers in the area of saltwater aquariums. In addition the President of COMAS Dr. Paul Whitby will be discussing fragmenting corals. There will also be a hobbyist frag sale, vendor and trade displays as well as numerous door prizes. Steve Tyree will also be bringing limited edition corals frag for sale as well.

When: October 13, 2007

Time: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Place: Seller's Special Event Center

13700 N. Eastern Avenue

Edmond, OK 73013

Dedicated Forums

COMAS is hosting a forum dedicated to the CRASE. This forum has three sections that you can post questions/comments or concerns in. The three sections are:

* issues relating to general aspects of the conference,
* issues related to vendors and vendor table rental
* issues related to Frag sellers and frag table and tank rental.

These forums can be found here.

Guest Speakers

Currently we are scheduling four guest speakers.

The following are confirmed:

Dr Ron Shimek

Dr Ron Shimek will present a talk on the "Flora and Fauna of Deep Sand Beds, and the use of DSBs in Captive Systems". Dr. Shimek is internationally known for his studies on marine invertebrates and has published over 20 peer reviewed scientific articles. In addition he has authored several books realting to the marine aquaria. His book, Marine Invertebrates is a must have for anyone setting up, or owning a marine aquarium.

Steve Tyree

Steve Tyree will be presenting a talk at the CRASE. Mr. Tyree is internationally known for his work relating to SPS species of corals and owns and operates Reeffarmers -a distribution site for captive farmed corals. Steve has been farming and distributing captive stony corals since 1993. Back then, the captive maintainance of reef building stony corals was still considered impossible by many. Today there are literally thousands of reef aquarist around the world that are not only maintaining these corals but they are successfully farming them. Over the years Steve has managed to acquire a large collection of rare and exotic corals.

Dr. Paul W. Whitby

Dr. Paul W. Whitby will present a talk on "Fragging corals for fun and profit." This talk will cover some of the aspects of growing fragments of corals and selling or trading them with other hobbyists and local stores. The talk will include cost effective strategies, elimination of parasites and how best to prepare, grow and present frags of various coral species. After this talk there will be several coral frag demonstrations throughout the day where you can get your fingers wet, make frags of corals and mount them to frag rocks and disks. You will also be able to purchase the frags you have made at a minimal cost.

Dr. Whitby is president of the Central Oklahoma Marine Aquarium Society (COMAS) and has over 20 years experience as a saltwater hobbyist.

Speaker 4 TBA

Just Announced: Coral Fragging Demonstration/ Workshop.

Have you ever been curious how SPS/ LPS and soft corals are propagated. Have you ever wanted to try your hand at creating your own frags? In this workshop we will show you how to prune corals, how to mount them for the best growth and effect and also what tools you will require. We will supply everything you will need. The frags you make will be available purchase at minimal cost.

People attending this informal workshop will be shown how to make and mount frags of an SPS species, an LPS species as well as soft corals such as leathers and zoanthids. Attendance is free and you do not have to purchase the frags you make. So come join us, get your hands wet and work on propagating and conservation of corals.

Admission Price

We are striving as much as possible to make this event easily affordable to all. Entrance tickets will be available for prepurchase from Aquariums in Edmond (by contacting Leigh Anne Koudriavtsev at okcfishlady@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or visiting the store). Alternatively tickets may be purchased online via PayPal. Tickets (while still available) may also be purchased on the day of the event. Since we are keeping costs to a minimum there will be a $2.00 surcharge per ticket purchased online. This surcharge will offset the charges associated with paypal.

All admission tickets receive a complimentary entry in to the prize drawings. This ticket will be given to you on the day of the conference as your ticket is checked at the door.

Tickets prepurchased at Aquariums in Edmond will be:

* Children under 6 admission is free of charge
* Children 6-14 admission is $7.50
* Adult admission is $10.

Purchasing by Paypal:

* Children 6-14 admission is $9.00
* Adult admission is $12.

To purchase by paypal. Send paypal payment using the address craseokc2007@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Please indicate the number of adult and child tickets you require as well as a single name and telephone number your party can be contacted at. We will confirm by email your ticket request within 48hrs.

Please note, we have limited attendance capacity and tickets have already begun to sell. We strongly encourage you to purchase tickets well in advance.

Separate areas are available for Vendors and people

selling frags: Specific details are given below.

Information for Vendors.

All vendors are encouraged to rent table space at this event. Table rental is $100 plus donation of a $50 item to be included in the prize drawings. Table size will be 96 by 30 inch area to display your items. Time will be given to vendors between scheduled talks. Vendors wishing to attend should contact Leigh Anne Koudriavtsev at OKCfishlady@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and area rental may be paid for at Aquariums in Edmond. Table space available is shown at the foot of the page.

Information for Frag Swappers.

Frag Swappers/sellers will be required to purchase space before the meeting. Space is offered on a first come, first served basis and is an area of 48 by 30 inches. Table hire is based primarily on the number of Frags you will be selling. We will also offer 10g tanks complete with saltwater that can be rented for the day so that you can show your frags off. We recommend you bring your own lighting of choice.

All frags need to be in clear bags, clearly labelled and have your contact telephone information on the bag.

Prices for table rental are as follows:

Frag Number Cost
0-24 $15
25-49 $25
50-74 $35
75-99 $45
100+ Contact us

Table space available is shown at the foot of the page.

Sellers prepurchasing table space for 25 or more frags will also receive a single complimentary free admission ticket.

Tables must be booked in advance by contacting Leigh Anne Koudriavtsev at OKCfishlady@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and may be paid for at Aquariums in Edmond. The organisers reserve the rights to count the number of frags of any seller.

Rules of the Frag Swap

1. Only the number of frags prepurchased according to the above table may be sold. Further frags need to be discussed with the organizers on the day and will be charged for accordingly.

2. Each frag should be in a clear bag with sufficient water to ensure its survival.

3. Each bag should be labelled with the frag name as well as the cost, the sellers name and contact telephone number.

4. The seller should have a photograph of each parent from which frags were obtained. On the picture the lighting should be indicated (type and wattage, color spectrum). The price per frag(s) should be also stated.

5. Each seller sets their own frag prices.

6. All frag sales must occur inside the venue. No sales outside, such as in the parking areas will be allowed. Violation of this rule will result in loss of frag sale priviledges from this and other events sponsored by Aquariums and COMAS.

7. Sales are not permitted during the presentations by the guest speakers.

8. Each frag seller is required to donate a single frag (labelled as above) for inclusion in the prize drawings.

9. Each seller is encouraged to ensure that all precautions are taken to exclude the transmissions of parasites and other pests. We strongly encourage each seller to discuss any dips/quaratines or other preventative measures taken.

These rules have been established to ensure the rights of the seller and the buyer are best protected. Should you have any questions please contact the Frag Swap organizer, Dr. Paul Whitby at pww20023@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Table Space

Available table space is shown below. Click on the image for a full size map of the meeting venue. As space is taken, the table below will fill with the Vendor or Frag Seller's name. All space is on a first come basis.

Frag Table Seller Vendor table Vendor






T. Stone



Aquarium Oddballs




Donny and Lori


Aquariums of Edmond


Dean/Wilma Harris


Steve Tyree











Big Scott












Aqua One





P. Whitby


Nikki Knight






Travis Stevens





Note: Names in YELLOW are clickable and will redirect you to a section of the CRASE forum detailing that participants frags and or other items they will be bringing or have available at the CRASE. You can use these forums to ask questions of the specific seller/vendor.

To book tables, contact Leigh Anne Koudriavtsev at okcfishlady@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 31 July 2007 )
is anyone else planning on going to this? maria and i will probably go, especially because i spoke with the comas president and he said there may be a chance to see his HUGE reef on sunday...sounds fun...