I picked up a used Elos 70 and just attached my return pump (Jebao DCP 6500). Not sure if I set this up correctly. Return pump is set to the lowest power because there is too much draining noise that gets worse if I increase power.
The display tank water level is 2.5 inches from the rim. Is there a way I can raise the water level to 1" and will this quiet the tank? How do I do this? Seems any water I add just ends up in the sump and the level stays at 2.5"from the rim. I'm not looking to modify anything, just get it the way the manufacturer intended. I thought I read somewhere the Elos 70 display water level should be 1" from the top for optimal overflow functionality and I am wondering if this is why I am hearing so much water noise coming from the drain. Should the drain hole be fully submerged?
On the sump end of the drain, the drain end is about 1cm under the water in the sump. in the sump, should it be above the water or below?
Also, what is the little tube on the return in the display end? It seems to leak water if I increase the return pump power and adds to the noise. If I try to screw it in, it just keeps turning and doesn't feel like it's doing anything.
There is a big red valve on the drain that I have set to fully open. Am I suppose to close that slowly until the level reaches a point I would like? Seems like a bad idea - is it? Why are there valves on returns like this?
I picked up a used Elos 70 and just attached my return pump (Jebao DCP 6500). Not sure if I set this up correctly. Return pump is set to the lowest power because there is too much draining noise that gets worse if I increase power.
The display tank water level is 2.5 inches from the rim. Is there a way I can raise the water level to 1" and will this quiet the tank? How do I do this? Seems any water I add just ends up in the sump and the level stays at 2.5"from the rim. I'm not looking to modify anything, just get it the way the manufacturer intended. I thought I read somewhere the Elos 70 display water level should be 1" from the top for optimal overflow functionality and I am wondering if this is why I am hearing so much water noise coming from the drain. Should the drain hole be fully submerged?
On the sump end of the drain, the drain end is about 1cm under the water in the sump. in the sump, should it be above the water or below?
Also, what is the little tube on the return in the display end? It seems to leak water if I increase the return pump power and adds to the noise. If I try to screw it in, it just keeps turning and doesn't feel like it's doing anything.
There is a big red valve on the drain that I have set to fully open. Am I suppose to close that slowly until the level reaches a point I would like? Seems like a bad idea - is it? Why are there valves on returns like this?
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