OMG will my clown trigger be okay?????


New member
I was just prepping my 3'' clown trigger to bring him to my lfs (breaking down my 55 for a 2 gallon..), and like an idiot i used a net. it was one of the finer ones (the white mesh, in my area the green ones are bigger holes).

he got his bottom trigger stuck, and i could not get it out. he was panicking (sp?) really bad, so i got scissors and cut the net as close to his trigger as possible to free him, and now it is stuck on his bottom trigger.

how do situations like this usually turn out? he is going to the lfs, they said that sometimes it comes out, adn sometimes they can get it out, but i don't like listening to them, as they sold me my first salt tank ever: a 5 gallon with a chainlink moray, and a tiny carbon filter....

any experiences would be great here, i am really scared for him, i loved that fish..
it might be able to come off on its own, i would let it go for a few days and if its still there i would net him again and try and get it off. i had a stingray that i netted and it got caught on his stinger, he got it off but he ripped his stinger off with it but he lived for a while after that happened, he just died today actually, i think he was old. the main thing to watch for is if he is still eating and acting normal. hope this helps and good luck
This happened to our Blonde Naso when the LFS caught him with a net. They immediately cut the net and it stuck to his top fin for about 2 wks, then fell off. I bet he will be fine.
You need to make a judgement call. Does it look like it can come free eventually? If so, leave it.

If not, you should try to help. Otherwise it will tear into his flesh as he grows. If he is that small, try to catch him with a clear plastic bucket or pitcher. Use a net to steer him into the bucket. Then, it shouldn't be too hard to take him out by hand and hold him gently. Perhaps you can ease the net fragment off him with your fingers or GENTLY (!!!!!) snip it off with a pair of cuticle scissors (the small, skinny, sharp kind).

Also, if your lfs is that bad, bring him to another (better) store. Don't give business to a bad store.

Good luck to you!
It should probably come out on its own. If it doesn't let him eat and destress for a couple days. Then....


Once you catch him in a small catch cup use a small washcloth to hold/imobilize him (underwater) and then pluck the netting out.
It will eventually fall off and I wouldn't worry as Trigger have tough skin, unlike other fish, and the net would do any harm to the fish.
i'm shure it will come off triggers are tough and they can take it.
I guess it depends on how big a piece of net your talking about i think it will come off in my experience with fresh water catfish they usually just scratch it off them selves.