Ongoing Stn


New member
Ok so about three weeks back i had a heat spike and kalk overdose and lost two small sps colonies (have a chiller now, don't use kalk anymore) since then i seem to have had some stn on a couple of colonies that i have, after the heat spike i have added new frags and they are already encrusting. So my question is (i have fragged some colonies they seem to be doing ok then some stn then regrow) will this just take time, or is there something else i am missing?

(Doing 5% daily watwr changes as of last week, red sea salt)

The tank is 160 gallons, skimmer, fuge, 6 bulb t5, multiple power heads, dosing aquaforest comp 1+2+3.

Parameters are:
78 temp
470 calcium
1360 magnesium -using red sea pro test kits -
9 dkh
0-1 nitrate
0.01 phosphate
8.2 ph
1.026 salinity
0 tds for Ro water
(No sign of any pest! No fish or inversts that are known to eat sps)

It can take weeks for the results of a mishap to finally settle down. I would keep up the water changes and expect to see a full arrest of issues in another few weeks.
Yeah it takes some time. Best thing to do is to keep the water stable now. Your parameters look good so just keep it there. I would stop the water changes now since daily water changes can cause swings jmo but many do small daily water changes with great results. The key is to make sure the new water exactly matches the tank water in ph, alk, cal, mg, temp ect. Nothing good happens fast so just let the tank recover, keep it stable with slow changes over days or weeks dont do anything major.