Opinions on ASM G1X Skimmer


Wrasse aficionado
Anybody use one of these or have experience with using one? Thinking about getting one and want to know if its a good choice.
I love asm skimmers, there beasts. I am going to get the ASM G1X for my 30g and probably going to end up running like a g3-g4x on the frag system.
They're good, but you need it for a small system less than 50 gallons or so. For a 92 I would suggest at least a G3. I personally don't like ASMs at all either way you cut it. You can get a ballin' EuroReef 8-2 for $280 used on RC which skims like CRAZY and keeps up fine with my 120g reef with 13 fish and mostly SPS.
For a 92, get a g-3, inexpensive, they skim very good, you won't be disappointed.

Oh, and don't get into doing any mods to it, if you don't know what you are doing its just going to ruin the skimmer.

-Mike C.
I have the same 92 corner tank, Im going w the new Reef Octo NW 200, everyone who has one has told me how happy they are w it, for the price!!
thanks guys...I was getting a deal on a used one for 140.00 shipped and thought I might be able to get away with using one on my 92. But I have a heavy fish load and wanted a big skimmer