ORA Laura's purple polyp acro


New member
I know it's a fairly new acro released by ora, but what is your experience with this coral as far as placement, flow and growth. Just got a piece today and wanted to see if ora's website info was pretty much the standard or if people have had different experiences with this piece.
I have mine about midway in my tank, it's getting around 250-275 par under gen2 radions and it's the least colorful acro in my tank, it's brown. I would move it up, but it's pretty well encrusted. Doesn't grow fast either. If i were you, I'd try to get it about 300 PAR.
mine is under a 8 lamp ATI power module. I have it in a reasonably high flow area. I think the higher the flow, the denser and more tabling the growth structure will become. closer to the light and the more color will come out of the branches.

can you post a picture of yours?
I just got one shipped straight from ora via dfs. Polyps are barely purple at all, pretty boring looking. Anyone else have an experience? Look better as it settles in or grows out?
Here's a top-down of mine left of the AquaSD Rainbow mille. Medium flow and about 200 par. Decent grower for me and polyps are somewhat blue now but hard to tell with all my angelfish in the tank.

Here's a frag I cut someone under slightly bluer spectrum in my frag tank.
mine looks very similar to FarmerTy. nice mint green branches, purple polyps. ill get some pictures once the lights turn on. i love this coral!
<a href="http://s21.photobucket.com/user/ronaldpopeil/media/E427C591-670A-4CC2-BBB5-2F9D3A17F75E_zps8gzmyctq.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b293/ronaldpopeil/E427C591-670A-4CC2-BBB5-2F9D3A17F75E_zps8gzmyctq.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo E427C591-670A-4CC2-BBB5-2F9D3A17F75E_zps8gzmyctq.jpg"/></a>

ok, so it looks like my phone photography skills need some work. but lovely mint green colors, nice purple polyps. this coral looks the best from the top down when i have the water pumps turned off.