Orchid Dottybacks

Green Lantern

New member
Hello Henry, I am considering a pair of Psuedochromis fridmani for my 155gal reef. Some of the other inhabitants I'd like are: a pair of clowns (most likely Amphiprion percula or A. ocellaris, maybe a dart fish (Nemateleotris decora), Ctenochaetus strigus, Pterapogon kauderni and finally when I have some large branching corals I'd like to add Gobiodon okinawae.

The only fish I really have doubts about are the pair of dottybacks. What do you think of the stocking list and the compatability issue?

Captive bred aren't readily available up here, do you know of a reliable source for a mated pair?
What do you think of the stocking list and the compatability issue?

overall it looks good. add the dottybacks last. watch the dartfish and gobies for possible problems steming from harrassment by the dottybacks.

Captive bred aren't readily available up here, do you know of a reliable source for a mated pair?

ORA breeds them. i'm not sure if they ship to canada, but it would be worth checking into. their order minimum is low for retailers, an they bred and propagate so many fish/corals that most retailers can easily find enough to fill a minimum order.


actually the tank was just taken down and sold yesterday in preparation for my move. prior to yesterday, though, the tank also had 2 leopard wrasses in with the orchids.


Unfortunately, the dottybacks didn't make it through the move. I'm really sickened by it. They were beautiful creatures.

The leopard wrasse that was buried in the sand did make it, though. I have him in my other tank while the big tank re-cycles.

If you read this before I talk to you, Henry, sorry dude. Hell of a way to come back from vacation, eh?