Order 867224 of 4/21/09


New member
Guys, I've got some questions on the corals from this order.
My Frogspawn-Brance arrived fine, all brances but one was alive. In the course of the last few days only one large branch is ok. I can see the brown residue from the other branches. I did a Lugal dip with no noticeable results. I have photos.

I can't tell if the Candy Cane w/ Green Centers are alive or not. The centers are still green but the tips of the polyps are getting abit of tan specks. I did a Lugal dip with these also and have photos.

The Ricordea Yuma polyps were very small and within a few days, they all disappeared! I had them high in the tank with medium water flow, so I don't have a clue on what happened to them.

BTW, the Trumpet Corals, Orange Sun Polyp, Yellow Polyps,Zoanthids, and Pumping Xenia's are doing great. The Umbrella Leather and other corals from my previous order are doing great. Thanks.
Hello GunnerO,
I want to ask you a couple of questions so I can further help you.

1. How was the water temp. in the bag's when the Corals arrived?
2. Do all of your water parameters check out?

Could you please send me the pictures that you have so I can get a good look at them and be more of assistance to you? Thank you and happy Reefing!!

To answer you questions:
1. How was the water temp. in the bag's when the Corals arrived?

The water temp averaged at 78 degrees. I took almost 3 hours to acclimate all the animals, MT water temp was 79 degrees.

2. Do all of your water parameters check out?
I did a 20% water change 24 hours before arrival, PH was 8.4, Salinity was 1.024, Calcium 400-425ppm, nitrates , ammonia, and nitirites were 0 PPm. I use RO/DI water.
I couln't find a way to post the photos on this reply, but they are posted in my Gallery or I could email the photos to you, let me know what you prefer. Thanks.
Hello GunnerO,
Please e-mail the photo's to: customerservice@bluezooaquatics.com

We will be able to credit you from there. I apologize about the delay in my response. For some reason I was not e-mailed with a notification that you had responded. Take care and let me know if I can help with anything else!
