just an FYI! if you will like to get a discount you might want to wait for the next month group buy.
Here are their guidelines:
BRS Reef Central Group Buys
BulkReefSupply.com is thrilled to offer Reef Central members our lowest prices by participating in a Reef Central Group Buy. No more hassles of organizing one big bulk order, collecting all the payments, distributing individual orders or waiting for your order. Instead, just create an account with BulkReefSupply.com, join the Reef Central Group Buy and shop away. There are no purchase quantity or order size requirements. Each participant gets the lowest prices even if he only buys one item. And this also means Group Buys at BulkReefSupply.com are not limited to people who live in same town.
Reef Central Group Buy Guidelines
• Eligible Products. Group buy pricing is only on in stock items. We find it in our customer’s best interest to not sell items we do not have in stock so we are unable to take back orders. The best deals are primarily on items BRS produces like chemicals, RO/DI equipment, BRS dosers, dry rock, plumbing as well as a handful of other items. Most of the other manufacturers’ products we stock have a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy which prevents us from selling their products lower than MAP.
• Group Buys begin on the first Wednesday of the month. We suggest ordering right away on Wednesday to ensure we don’t sell out of the items you may be interested in. We find it in our customers’ best interest not to sell items we do not have in stock so we are unable to take back orders.
• Participants Upgraded to Preferred Reefer status. The good news is anyone who takes part in a Group Buy will automatically be permanently upgraded to Preferred Reefer status in his/her BulkReefSupply.com account. Preferred Reefer prices typically fall between retail and Group Buy prices. This ensures that participants will be able to get Preferred Reefer discounted pricing when out of stock items are back in stock, as well as in the future.
How to Join a Bulkreefsupply.com Reef Central Group Buy:
• Create an account on bulkreefsupply.com
• On or before the Monday prior to the first Wednesday of the month, email your name and email address used to create the BRS account and a request to join the group buy to
Then what? When do I shop?
• Each participant will receive an email on that first Wednesday alerting him/her that the Reef Central Group Buy has started. Please wait for this email before placing orders or you won’t have the discount!
• The Group Buy last six days (until the following Monday).
• After you receive the email, simply login to your BulkReefSupply.com account and start shopping. Place your individual order which will be shipped immediately directly to your mailing address. Please order early to ensure your item does not go out of stock.
• At the end of the Group Buy each participant's account will be changed to Preferred Reefer. This permanent upgrade is our way of saying thanks for getting your reef supplies with us!
QUESTIONS? Email us at