Osmolator broken??? pls help


New member
Hey Roger.

I am wondering if you can help me with m Osmolator. I purchased the unit a few years ago so I know its out of warrantee. Last week the unit began sounding off the alarm at the same time the "High water" light goes on and the "Low water" level keeps going on and off.

From what I been reading this error message means the unit has come in contact with water or salt creep. But for the better part of its life the unit has been installed externally in my "œpower center".

I also eliminated the electro-magnetic problem by turning off everything and ran it in my kitchen "¦still nothing.

I wondering if there is anything I can do? I LOVE my Osmolator and its one of the best pieces of equipment in my reef. Is it garbage now??? I really do not have the money at this point to pick up a new one"¦I am back in school and strapped for cash.

Any advise? Is it possible to purchase new part for it and fix? How much would I be looking at? Again on a tight budget that is barley keeping me in the hobby.