OT - landscape photographers: series shot.


New member
I was hoping for a little quick advice or reference to a resource that might help me out here.

In a few months i'm going to be very far north. The sun will not set and unfortunately this somewhat limits the ability to photography dramatically lit landscapes.

A neat image I would like to replicate is one similar to this....


Have any of you tried such an effect?
As the image that you posted shows, there's still plenty of "warm glow" available whether the sun sets or not. Just go shoot and don't worry about what you "should be doing."

Yeah, where I am the "warm glow" won't really exist.. I guess i'll figure it out. I'll be having to spin the tripod around all day... but really photoshop can help me with all of that in the end.

If I'm going to be honest with myself... I'm probably just posting on this thread as a procrastination/boredom method. i
Bah - get it right in the camera and just use Photoshop for touch up.

The angle of the sun will still be very low so it's not like you're shooting at noon on the equator. Just expose for the highlights and use side lighting or back lighting whenever possible.

A 2 stop split grad could help.
Im sure you will be able to find some "dramatic light" it comes in all sorts of various places , the trick is to just find it .