OT: The Lost Room


Active member
Well I just finished watching the encore of The Lost Room and it was a lot better than I expected. Did anyone notice the locations? Like Lindys, on Central and 5th.
sorry I can't pass this one up! :) Did anyone notice someone you know??? :)

Declan and I were both shown in the coffee shop scene at Lindy's..... :)
so i dont have cable anymore but.......were those ugly aguariums w/ one gf in each featured in the show.?....just curious i had a fun time sitting on set and getting yelled @ by the director to baby sit those DAMN things!!! they made me do all kinds of fish wrangling ...well at least i got fat @ in the crafts room & got to hang w/ the cast
Mrs_Witchdoctor: I didnt notice you or Dec in Lindys shop. When I watch it tonight maybe I will tivo it or something.

reign: Cool. I didnt notice any tanks in the show. I tried getting on that show when it was here filming. There are some more shows coming soon. And yes the crafty service is very fattening ie good.
DAMN that movie was pretty sick! I liked it! Yo reign i did see those fish tanks with those crappy goldfishes in each one, ahhahahahahaaa you had to babysit those? Whats the deal with pink gravel?