Ouch! Stung by Acan


New member
I had an Acan lord fall on my blue mushroom, and it was stung pretty bad. I have no idea how long they had been in contact with one another, it could have been the better part of the day.

Anyways, this morning I checked on the shroom and the mouth is still intact, but there is a pretty nasty looking hole next to it.

I moved it to a low flow area. any other suggestions to help make this one pull through? I'll post pics later today.
Here is the stung shroom:


You can kinda see the mouth still there on this one, but you can't really appreciate the damage done.


I think this picture gives a better view of the damage....

So.... Any help would be appreciated.


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i think itll be fine. mushrooms are pretty hardy and that doesnt look too bad. considering mushrooms can grow from a little fragment it should be just fine.
It'll be fine. I had a shroom on the back side of a rock near an aiptasia and I didn't notice the shroom until after I hit the aiptasia with Kalk paste. The entire shroom was covered with kalk and once I figured things out and blew the kalk off the shroom had a huge hole burned right through the middle (mouth included). 2 weeks later there is not signs that anything ever happened to it.
weird my red mushrooms bothered my acans and had to be moved, never got eaten lol
and the mushroom will be a ok in a week, 2 weeks tops, they are virtually indestructible
Well its been almost a month, and the shroom is recovering. It's still missing a piece of its mouth, and you can see where it was stung... it looks a little different in color and isn't as fat there.