Our newest, a Regal Tang


New member

hes about 3"
Nice fish! They grow quickly and your tank IMO is right at the bare minimum size to keep one. They just really like/need a lot of swimming space. Enjoy!
My personal favorite!

Mine's a 6" spaz! Lightning fast and freaks out at the first sign of threat; then turns around and devours every speck of food in the tank like a plowing combine!

Oh! And don't worry when You see her dart under a rock and sleep flat on it's side!
My personal favorite!

Mine's a 6" spaz! Lightning fast and freaks out at the first sign of threat; then turns around and devours every speck of food in the tank like a plowing combine!

Oh! And don't worry when You see her dart under a rock and sleep flat on it's side!
LOL! Yeah, mine's about that same size. They do some crazy stuff for sure.
Thanks y'all :)
and thanks for the warning Marty!One of my clowns does the "side-sleep" too , it totally freaked me out at first.Ive always loved the different personalities fish present in the tank (freshwater up till recently of course).