Our Web Page


Hey guys! For those of you that don't already know, I am now handling our web page. If you have info that you would like to see posted, just let me know. I want to start putting the tank of the month back on there, and I thought the idea of using the persons tank that is hosting the meeting for the month was a really good idea. Anyway, just toss any thoughts, ideas, etc. my way and I'll try to see what I can do. By the way, I'll be using Frontpage to do the editing, I have used it in quite some time, so please bear with me a little bit in getting changes made. I should get back into the groove pretty quick I thnik. Thanks.
I personally would like to get updated pics of my tank as well as other members tanks, the gallery is kind of old. My friend in the air force says man I check to see if your tank has changed any but itlooks the same as it did when I left!

Thanks Ryan.
If you have pics of your tank that you would like to have posted, just send them to me via email at ninaryan(at)comcast(dot)net. Hope you guys understand why I'm listing my email this way.
I posted some pics of the April meeting under the News section of the site. Paul was taking a video of the meeting that I hope to get a link to soon.