P3 Software Question - VMWare Fusion on a Mac


New member
I am running the P3 software using VMWare Fusion on a Mac. Most times when I turn off the return pump or skimmer I get an error message and get disconnected. It is not a big deal but frustrating at times.
I am not sure if this is related to the VMWare Fusion, if it is, I would consider purchasing a laptop just dedicated for the P3. Before purchasing laptop I wanted some feedback.
Thank you in advance.
I've never seen this problem with any of the latest versions of Software and Firmware. I do know that there is a "Safety Feature" built into the "Manual Modes" but don't see how this would come into play unless it's an issue with the OS. I do know that this happens with the "Android" OS app and as of right now there isn't a work around. Every time I log into MyProfiLux on my Droid everything works good until I try to switch a light or pump into MANUAL mode. I get an app crash and the controller goes back into AUTO mode.

Maybe you can borrow a Windows laptop to try before you buy one. All you have to do is install the small PLC program and connect it up. If you were closer I'd loan you one to try out for a week or so to see.
Hmmmmm interesting. When I get home tonight I'll give it a whirl and see what mine does. I've not done anything "manual" in a while.

Can yall post what version of PLC and Firmware you're running?
Mine does the same thing. Error Code 41 as soon as I click on "Activate Manual Override"

FW 5.12 (3/06/2012)
Bigal2007, When I do water changes I go to the socket functions and change the return and skimmer sockets from the "water 3" programming to "always off" and after the water change I change back to "water 3". During these changes to socket functions is when I get disconnected. I don't think I explained the problem appropriately. Should I be doing this differently?
I have never utilized (or noticed) the manual override function.
Hey Tony :) You can call me Al or Allen :)

I don't know if I'd call that "Wrong" but when I need to turn an individual socket off I:

System >
>> Socket Functions >
>>> Check "Activate Manual Override" >
>>>> Click the On/Off slider (under the Socket column) to OFF

When I'm done I just uncheck "Activate Manual Override" life returns to Normal Mode (at least in tank terms LOL)
Allen, thank you. I learned something new today. The worst that could happen during a firmware update happened to me a few minutes ago - a power outage. I am going to post a new thread to see if there is anyone in south FL that could help me with this.
Tony I just posted in that thread... so glad it's back up and running.

What did you upgrade to?

Did it fix the problem with "manual" sockets?
Allen, the manual override is fantastic. It worked without getting disconnected. Do the manual overrides have a time limit where they will go back to the usual position?
Tony I'd have to ask from GHL directly but at one time in the past there indeed was a time limit. This was so that if you "forgot" something like a heater etc off it will revert back to "Auto" at some point.

I'm glad it's working so well for you. Excellent news buddy :)