Paly losing color!?


New member
So a few months ago I bought some nuclear green palys and they looked awesome when I brought them home and for a good amount of time after that. They started browning out about a month ago, but 2 weeks after that started I upgraded from LED's to a 2 bulb t5 set up. i thought maybe it was a low light situation, but now they are almost completely brown. What causes this? anyone had this problem before? I wish I could up pics but I don't have a camera an my camera phone is garbage.. thanks in advance.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. There are nearly 2 dozen reasons for bleaching or color shifting. Most often lighting is the culprit in some fashion. It's best to inquire of the previous lighting scheme and type from the previous owner. This always helps in determining the initial placement in the new system..

1. Did you light acclimate them?

2. Is it a frag or colony?

3. Where did you initially place it?

4. Size and depth of your tank and previous tank?

I would have held off on changing the lighting as you are now only complicating the recovery and diagnoses. It's best to isolate the cause of the shift before making major changes.

I have no idea what they are since I'm not into names, can you possibly find a picture elsewhere and link it here?

It could very well be just the opposite of what you suggested. The light might have been too intense and caused them to brown out.

Some good info in the link below, check it out when you have a moment.

Hope to hear from you soon and maybe someone here can help you.

Mucho Reef
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getzvillereefer, do you have an update for us, we never heard back from you? I hope they pulled through for you. Good luck my friend.

Mucho Reef
Mucho is quite correct, the browning of Nuclear Greens and Purple Death palys is generally a result of too much light, and indicates that the polyps need to moved into an area of less light. If the t5s were brighter than the LEDS, then by switching the lights you only compounded the problem.

Just an additional FYI, I've not heard of it with the N. greens, but the PDs are sometimes known to have season brown outs occur.