PFO question


New member

Is it true that PFO is coming out with an HQI DE hood that will have VHO with it?

IF so, do you know when?

Also, are the blueline e ballasts available yet?


Yes, it's true. PFO has an hqi hood with VHO available. We just got our first order for one Friday. So they are available now. Hopefully we'll get some pictures in the next few days.

On the eballast, i would say probably the end of May. They keep getting delayed. One good thing though, they will be a new redesigned model and not suppose to have the X10 interferance problem anymore.




I look forward to the pictures! Have you fired one up yet?

I am curious to know what the hood looks like... is it like the AB hoods (aquaspacelight, etc.)

How is the spread on the 4' hood with 2 250w and VHOs? Would it do good on an Oceanic 120 with SPS and Clams?

Can you give me a price on the 4' 250 hood please. E-mail is What size/watt are the VHOs. One of the things I didn't care for on the Aquaspacelights was the small PC actinics.

I am considering HQI DE instead of e ballasts, because they are taking so long. Well, that and I here great things about the HQIs.

I have one of the Giesemaan NOVA IIs on my 58 and I like it a lot.

Thanks again, Allen

Sorry, no picts yet. I believe they finished final production last week, so hopefully will get some this week.
