PH low


New member
hey guys and gals...
My reef has been doing well for almost 2yrs, I do water changes run a fuge and sump, protien skimmer, etc...
I noticed over the last couple weeks my pumping xenia wasnt looking to well, still pumping but the stalk looked bumpy for lack of a better word. So saturday I cleaned the over flow and u pipe, skimmed some crap out of the sump and thinnned out the algae in the fuge, then the next morning before the lights were on ( light 24/7 on the fuge) I ran thru all my tests.
Calcium 555, phosphate 0, Alkalinity 2.5. the stragest part was the ph it is 7.8. never been that low. Is this because the lights were off or maybe because the calcium is high? 1.024 was the salinity a little lower then I like to keep it, Im just not sure what my next move should be.. I use only distlled water for the auto top off and I use no chemicals. i used to use purple up but the coraline is prety much stable so I dont use it anymore.
Im lighting it with a 250 watt MH and 230 watts acitic.11 hour halide and 1 hour before and 1 hour after with the acitic.
I have condy,hammer,torch, xenia, polyps, red shrooms, star polyps,leather corals. the leather has been in there a year and has never opened he does have hair like things that come out around the edge but thats it, the condy has not been fully extending about 1/2 way everything thing else as usual.. any ideas???
Your Ph will be at it lower level in the am before the lights go on, should rise during the day with the lights on.
How often do you do water changes?
Your not using additives, good thing, but may need to do monthly water changes to keep your corals happy with the trace elements supplied by the water changes.