PH probe?


Team RC
I just bought a Profilux II and I got a PH prbe with it but I did not specify that I also needed the PH solution. So my question is what do I need now so I can use my PH probe? Can I use a 3rd party solution or should I use Profilux? Thanks in advance
I would recommend PH calibration solution 7.0 and 9.0/10.0 if you're monitoring a saltwater aquarium. I've always used Milwaukee or Hanna solution and had no problems. I'm sure GHL is good as well but you might have quicker access to the ones I mentioned as most LFS should have these on hand. Buy extra and calibrate/check every 30-60 days for best results.
I would "think" any reliable company solution can be used. If you see you're getting some crazy #'s then you can get GHL solution. If you're ordering something else from your GHL dealer I'd go ahead and get some 7.0 and 9.0 like AJ suggested.