Phosphate Binding Capacity of GFO?


New member
I have been looking for information regarding the phosphate binding capacity of various GFO but failed to find any. I used Rowa Phos before with fairly good results but the product is too expensive. I recently tried both the BRS pelletized and HC GFO but wonder what the phosphate binding capacity is for BRS and other GFO products.

If a 100g tank has a phosphate level of 0.1ppm (ie 0.1mg/liter) and one wants to reduce it to 0ppm. If my calculation is correct, one will need to remove at least 38.4mg or 0.384g of phosphate from the water column, assuming phosphate in the water column is the only source of phosphate.

On the Rowa Phos label, it says the phosphate binding capacity is 25g per 1 kg of the media. However, the product comes in 250 and 500ml. Without knowing the density and lack of a scale, I don't know what the weight is for, say, 500ml of Rowa Phos. Assuming Rowa Phos is twice as heavy as water, ie 500ml weights 1000g (or 1 kg), a 25g phosphate binding capacity is pretty impressive and should drastically remove a lot phosphate from a tank. I would like to know how various GFO products compare to Rowa Phos.
There claim is 100 ml removes 3 ppm PO4 in 400 l or ~ 100 gals, giving ~3.5 ml for 0.1 ppm in 100 gal.

As far as what has the highest capacity, based on unpublished tests, it is HC GFO followed by RowaPhos. One big issues for D-D, is they charge way to much for their products based on what you are getting.
There claim is 100 ml removes 3 ppm PO4 in 400 l or ~ 100 gals, giving ~3.5 ml for 0.1 ppm in 100 gal.

As far as what has the highest capacity, based on unpublished tests, it is HC GFO followed by RowaPhos. One big issues for D-D, is they charge way to much for their products based on what you are getting.

Boomer, Thanks for the comment. If you are referring to 100ml of the BRS HC can bind 3ppm in a 100g which is equivalent to 1.15g. 500ml will remove approx 5.75g which is way lower than the 25g that RowaPhos. I did email BRS and I was told they don't have any data on phosphate binding capacity on their products except to tell me HC binds twice as much as the granules and pellets. Based on this RowaPhos may be a better value than HC!
I think there was a recent thread of someone asking BRS this same question and their answer is they do not know and the response was if they do not know the binding capacity, how they are able to claim the HC is twice as effective as their normal gfo. got to give them credit though for acknowledging they don't know the answer rather than bs'ing up some number.

That is not for the BRS HC but the claim by Rowa, where 100 ml of RowaPhos removes 3ppm PO4 from 100 gals.


I do not care what BRS says it is no 2 x over any GFO