Billybeau1, your $18 Salifert Kit tests down below 1ppm? Wow, I need to find out what store you bought that at so I can get a kit or two! My Salifert always showed no PO4, but when I got tired of still having hair algae, I took my water to be tested at the LFS (Atlantis Aquarium-Richmond VA). I told the owner of my situation and although he sells only Salifert kits, he emphatically told me that the Salifert PO4 kit could not properly show levels below 1ppm. He whipped out his personal Deltec Low Level PO4 kit and it immediatley showed .8ppm., he then gave me the whole shpiel about Rowaphos (basically what I posted earlier). Three weeks later, no hair algae. If I had relied on the Salifert test, I would still be frustrated. Again I think that on the whole Salifert is the best value for several reasons, I just know from experience that the PO4 kit is not accurate below 1ppm.
Never had the chance to use any other PO4 removers other than Rowa and Seachem's Phosguard. Stay away from the "white" PO4 removers as they tend to leach PO4 back into the water column after they are full. The Phosguard was white, and I used it in my FOWLR tank. Never did much at all for the PO4 levels, they stayed around 1.5ppm (with the Salifert kit). After the Rowa experience in my Reef tank, I started running Rowa in the FOWLR. Man, did the coraline take off. As I am not as concerned with getting the PO4 levels in that tank down to 0, I have stopped testing. The proof is in the results. I am sure there are other PO4 removers that work very well. Phosar is probably one of them. Most likely Ferric Hydroxide based as that what Phosban and Rowa are made of