Phosphate Reacter Question


New member
2 Little Fishes Phosphate Reacter 150

I got this neat little reacter for xmas this year (go figure I diddnt get the new halide system I wanted) My question is about adjusting the flow. It has a gate valve for the flow. How fast should I alow the water through this thing? Should the granuals all be moving in suspention? Or should I adjust it so there is just 1 or 2 small rolling areas on top of the basicly settled media? Like the whole thing is completly settled on the bottom with 1 small area where water is visible moving the media on the top of the settled stuff?
How do I adjust this?


Sounds like your flow is pretty close to where you want it. You don't want all the media in suspension, only "bubbling" at the top layer. I believe they recommend 80-100gph. Too much flow will grind the media into a fine powder.

If you want to confirm your gph, just take a milk jug, direct the ouput into it, and time how long it takes to fill it up, then do the math.
Thats what I read in the instructions but then I hear people in other threads talking about keeping everything fliudized in suspension and thought babey I was getting some channeling in the media having it tuned way down like it is now.
