Although there are somehow good reliable ways to measure the aquarium chemistry (some with difficulty like iodine, silicates and phosphates) there is no afordable means to measure dissolved Organics.
As organics can be of so many kinds and types and they are in part accountable for many issues like water discoloration, coral browning, cyano and algae promotion I try different means to get rid of as much of them as possible basically using the three most popular means.
Skimming which takes care of the hydrophobic organics, Carbon which takes care of most TOCs, Hydrocarbons and Tanins, Ozone to break down refractory organics for the skimmer to be able to remove or for them to become digested by bacteria, and finally I use the Purigen which takes care of many other organics specially Nitrogenous compounds.
As you can see from the picutre the media changes to a brown color as it adsorbs the stuff, once the browning reaches the top of the reactor, I take the media out and regenerate it with bleach after which it can be re-used. Basically I use it as a safegard (say it polishing) for any remining organics that the other methods may miss.