Photon 32 F/S


Another Day In Paradise
300.00, Used for about a year. Has remote. Im going with Kessil so I can go through my Apex. Will trade for Kessil A360WE.

Sold 1 , I have one more just like it. The remote has a couple teeth marks from my dog , but works fine.
Just got them, My tank is 30 deep so 100


Profile Name: Int_Sunr (sunrise)
Control Type: Ramp
Ramp time (minutes): 240
Start intensity: 0
End intensity: 100

Profile Name: Int_Dayl (mid-day)
Control Type: Ramp
Ramp time (minutes): 1
Start intensity: 100
End intensity: 100

Profile Name: Int_Nigh (sunset)
Control Type: Ramp
Ramp time (minutes): 180
Start intensity: 100
End intensity: 0

Var spd outlets

LEDColor (light spectrum ramp)
If Time 09:00 to 13:00 Then ColorSun
If Time 13:01 to 17:00 Then ColorDay
If Time 17:01 to 20:00 Then ColorNig

LEDInten (dimming)
If Time 09:00 to 13:00 Then Int_Sunr
If Time 13:01 to 17:00 Then Int_Dayl
If Time 17:01 to 20:00 Then Int_Nigh
Jim what size tank are you running? Any par readings yet? I was dead set on running kessil until I talked to a sales Rep who said my tank would be pushing the limits of the lights
No par readings , I have a 265. Hoping they are enough. I'm not a big sps fan, I have a couple up top. Probably should have went with N model. I'm supplementing with 2 Reefbrites. Time will tell , love the shimmer they put out.
No par readings , I have a 265. Hoping they are enough. I'm not a big sps fan, I have a couple up top. Probably should have went with N model. I'm supplementing with 2 Reefbrites. Time will tell , love the shimmer they put out.
Awesome. I am running a 265g as well. Talking the the rep the 30" depth was the issue depending on how high the lights were hung. He assumed everything mid tank and up would do great but sand bed would suffer a little, but he didnt have exact numbers. When I get ahold of a par meter I'm going to try and borrow my buddies kessil and see what it will do. My other biggest concern was the w model has a 24" spread, so on an 84" tank the spacing would be odd. And then there is the issue of those damn cross braces. How many kessils are you running? I would love to see the set up. I am in love with kessils but it's not a cheap experiment lol. Currently running 3 d120s but my 32" photon should be here in a couple of days to replace the middle d120. I might run two kessils on the sides to start with, since that's where a majority of my lps hangs out. Sorry to hijack your sale thread. I'm just a little excited about kessils on a 265
I have 2 right now and 1 in the mail. I was planning on 4. But the "Damn cross braces", the place u would have to put 2 of them is right next to the brace, it cause the shimmer to have a black out spot. Hard to explain. I moved the one over to the center of the tank and its fine there, I might try 3. guess im going to have to play by ear. And yeah, Im about Between the Kessils and the full apex and Dos. Ouch ! Ramon noodles for a while. :)
Once I get all setup, Your welcome to come check it out. I have some serious wire work to do.
Hey Jim. Thanks for the Photon. Glad I could contribute to your noodle fund. Haha.
And thank you again for the Coral. Your tank is quite impressive.
Best Regards.
Concerning the program you shared. Would you mind sharing the color profiles for the three settings?
The braces have honestly been the death of me. And I was thinking the same thing that running 4 of them 2 would be too close to the cross braces