phx friend has frags


New member
I have a friend in Phx that is coming here. If you are interested in some of these please pm me or him. I have gotten some of his corals before.

Thinking of early next week. Any interest in frags out there?
The following is my posting for the Sept Frag meeting:

pm if interested, so I can bring them down to meeting.
More SPS/LPS/ZOA's are shown on Propagation List on link PM for availability.

Starter Selection $30 5 small Montipora corals to start a new tank :
Small Colonies $15, Making room for expanding acro colonies, pm if interested.
Elk Horn, exotic shaped colony shape.
Green (fuzzy) pocillopora damicornus
Lavander polyp Digi
Pink tipped Digi
Green Digi
Purple digi
Purple Rim Tan/Green Whorling Cap
Cinnamon polyp base Flo Neon Green tip (fuzzy) pocillopora damicornus

Growing on Base, Good Nano, Easy corals $7
Montipora: Tan tip digi, green digi, purple digi, red digi
Brown/red Cap, Orange/red Cap Tan-Green Purple rim cap

Fresh Cut: $10
Cream Porites Branching 1" All Light grows fast::
Green (fuzzy) pocillopora damicornus 1""
Cinnamon polyp base Flo Neon Green tip (fuzzy) pocillopora damicornus _3/4"

Purple Monti RFLE Purple Haze $30
Montipora Confusa, Purple rim/Ridges, lime green valleys $25
Superman, Blue w/red polyp encrusting montipora $30
Red w/Pink Polyp Monti Cap Whorling $80

Yellow tip green Milli 1 1/2" $10
Teal micropthalma 2" minicolony $10
Psammacoragreen-gold $10