Picking up mangroves...


New member
Hey I have a friend on vacation in the ft meyers area and wanted them to pick up some mangrove pods off the ground, not rooted or anything like that.

Does anyone know if they can mail or fly these out of the state or even off the beach legally? :c)

Or if not any ideas who I could contact to find out?


Mike Ryan
myfwc.com..maybe you could find a number..they are not real quick at replying to any questions
Yea i contacted a few people at the FL DEP and one lady said that it was fine for 'experimental' use, but if you wanted to sell them you needed a license. then the second guy I talked to said it was fine, because i would be traveling in the US, and I quote, it would not be considered an invasive species in ohio because we have saltwater there.... Well, as long as I only let them invade my fishtanks :c).

But long story short, you can write them asking for an exemption letter if you want, but it isn't illegal just as long as you are picking them up off the ground. You cannot take anything from a live tree.
Good to know. Thanks for finding out and letting us know what was said. Post some pics when you get the pods and they start sprouting :)