pics. from 40 gal.

THANKS A LOT!! That makes me feel awesome! Yes that's the Helfrichi, I got it for my birthday. Loved that fish from day 1... lol
Thanks, there is one frag that I'm not to happy with and that's my Grape Granulosa I think is the correct spelling. I absolutely love a colony of it but I don't see that mine has grown any at all since like Feb. I haven't given up on it but man...... It grows sooooo S L O WWWWWWWWW!!! lol. The Grapes of Wrath has probably at least tripled in size! It's probably my favorite that I have right now. Blindside I'd LOVE to have a head of that Jack Beans Dendro yall have up there. I think that's what he told me it was called.
yeah everbody wants that. I have one polyp that I have been feeding for about a year and it still hasn't reproduced! Its nice wish it was still available in US. SPS just grow slow especially the pretty ones! Great start on your tank!