I've had this tank for about 6 or so years. It was my first salt water tank and after about one year I upgraded to a 90g and this one was pased down to my step dad. A couple of years later, after one of the hurricanes, I lost everything in the 90. Sold the tank. Some time later my step dad was pretty much done with salt tanks so I took the 18 back. It has been runing for about 10 months or so. I have a workhorse5 runing 2x36w pcs in the stock fixture and a 96w coralife quad. The husbandry is so easy its ridiculous. Clean the glass once a week (if that), water changes once a month or so, super duper easy kalk drip (water bottle with airline hose; filled in the mornings, if I remember to), cheapo seaclone (skims fine with mods, look at the pic), top off once or twice a week and thats about it.