pics of your tanks!


Editor-Reefkeeping mag
Team RC
Hi, I'm new here. It's so great to see others from here who have this addiction too.
Do any of you have pics of your reef tanks, lighting and animals/coral? I'd love to see them.
Welcome to NMOK IridescentLily. I'm old to the area, but new to the addiction.

You can find some older pictures at: NMOK picture gallery

My marine planted tank is only three months old but it's time I learned how to post pictures on RC so I'll see about getting some up here.

Oh these are great! Thanks for posting a link to them.
You're sw planted tank sounds fab! Good luck with your camera. :-) I can't wait to see any pics.
Here is my 125 that is less then 3 months old. I transferred from my 55 gallon and this one seems to be going strong so far.






It's huge! What are the dimensions, 72' long?
Beautiful rock and sand.
What kind of bulbs are you using?
Oh you've got zenias! Do they pulse?
Are you going to use your 55 for a fuge?

Great pics, great tank with cool corals too, thanks for posting them. :-)
My 90g bowfront reef

My 90g bowfront reef

I haven't posted in quite some time.
Whats up people..

So anyways here's my shot....

I'll just get right to it... the FTS...

The left side with "Mr Jitters" (the clown)

One of my faves! Just luv the Oranjee!

Some other colonies I grew from tiny frags, the reds were 4 polyps, the orange and purple was 1 polyp from SWreef! Teal centers was 3 polyps.

The right side.

Anybody need GSP? I got plenty!
PM Me.
Here are pics of my 12g Nano

Here are pics of my 12g Nano



Pulsating Zenia

Clove Polyp

Green Bubble Tip Anemone's
abq custom and xcon,
Those are beautiful! Thanks for posting them.
abq custom, Mr. Jitters? lol
xcon, wow, nice anemone!
yea, all our fish have names, the firefish is "flick, a mandarin goby is "ziggy"
the koran angel is "Zeke" , the flame hawk is "fuego" Haha

I just found this old thread I thought it would be fun to give it a "bump" and see what peeps tanks are looking like in ABQ..
I keep forgetting to take photos during the day when the daylights are on, but I wanted to go ahead and post while I'm still thinking about it. The actinics are the only lights on for these pics. The tank has been up and running for about 6 months, however I just moved (3 weeks ago) into a new apartment, so there was that interruption. I'll post again with some daylight pics sometime soon.

Its not a reef tank, though I have just started to add a few corals. Thus, not a crazy corals-everywhere tank, but one day!




<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14547192#post14547192 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by congerorama

Its not a reef tank, though I have just started to add a few corals. Thus, not a crazy corals-everywhere tank, but one day!

O no it sounds like you have the coral bug, LOL Its all over :)
yeah, an incredibly generous trade as well!

I already had the maze brain and a large colony of zoas, but for the trade I got:

purple digitata frag
purple/orange ricordia
green trumpet coral
finger leather frag
GSP + green mushroom hitchhiker
small millipora frag

way more than I expected! Hopefully my tank is a suitable home for all of them, I try to keep it clean and supplemented properly, and I'm sure I have enough light, flow, and skimming. We'll see how my coral-husbandry skills go :)
I don't have any really recent pics, but I'll post a few of when I was setting my tank up. I actually did a bit of remodeling in my house to fit a tank, I moved a wall to make room for a sump closet. So my DT is plumbed through a wall to the sump.

Here's the location for the tank after the remodel.


I decided to try something new (to me) with my overflow & return, and instead of blocking off the tank from top to bottom for an overflow I just did a 45* piece of plexi.


My return is a figure 8 along the top of the tank, with two outlets. I'm sure I'm losing a ton of flow because of all the bends in it, but I have two Tunze nanostream 6025s to make up for it.


Here is the tank in place, 11/17/07 from the date on the picture.

111707-tank on stand.jpg

And my first shot with aquascaping on 11/19/07. I have kept it pretty similar since then.

tank and rock.jpg

For some reason I don't have any pictures of my canopy or sump room with me, they're probably on my real camera and not my phone. I hung my canopy from the ceiling on a bicycle hoist. Here are the few FTS shots I have though, they're after lights-out with a flash, around the one-year mark of the tank. Sorry about the dirty glass.

Left side




Right side

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Cool idea on the overflow or should I say sideflow, damn what are you growing in that room behind the tank? Glow is beaming out of there :lolspin:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14552616#post14552616 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MileHighFish
damn what are you growing in that room behind the tank? Glow is beaming out of there :lolspin:

:lolspin: :eek1: :rollface:

I didn't notice that at first, but good call! Looks like you've got some kind of nuclear reactor running back there!
Haha, I just have a standard fluorescent shop light lighting my sump closet, and the front door was probably open when I took that one. I'll try to take some pics of it this weekend. :D