Pink hystrix


New member

Who has experience keeping pink hystrix?

I have kept various pieces over the years but ive never bought one that is bright pink. The ones i have had have all stayed green brown with very pale hints of pink.
I have just aquired one that is very pale after shipment but definitely has shades of pink in it.

As i have always wanted a pink hystrix in my display i am rather hopeful about this one.
Can any body give me advice on increasing and keeping a bright pink colour in the coral?

Any hints and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Justin.
What is the level of
What type of light do you use and what is the spectrum?

Хорошего рифа!

Thanks for responding.

K is 400
Fe is 0.1
Po4 is 0.06

ATI 8 bulb 2x c+ 3x b+ 1x p+ 1x Abs 1x actinic.

Many thanks
I think the PO4, Fe and bluish light is an issue of green Histrix in your tank.
Try to keep Fe 0,05 and PO4 nearly 0,01-0,03, I'm assuming that you use GFO.
My suggestion is to make some step every two weeks
1. Take out GFO to reduce Fe level. Replace with anyone else. After two weeks check the Fe level and keep eye on PO4.
2. If iron for two weeks is 0,05 level (PO4 0.01-0.03), and no changes on Histix colour, try to change Blue or actinic tubes to ABS or C+.

Хорошего рифа!
Great thanks for the detailed advice.
What do you use to keep your iron levels up?
And do you use a hobby kit to test it?

Thanks again
I'm use algae bed to reduce Fe, Po4, No3. Chaetomorpha is very good in that.
Sorry, I don't use any Fe tests, some times I do Triton , Fauna Marine Lab ICP tests.
Hisrix is a good indicator of high iron ))

Хорошего рифа!
Sorry my mistake on the iron misread the decimal place.
You are suggesting reducing iron?
Now I understand!
