pinpoint pH monitor FS

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8706340#post8706340 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
are these the type used w/ a calcium reactor?

Yes, this is the one I have used with my calcium reactor for years now. This one will not turn a solenoid on/off though. You would need a pH controller to do that.
do you need a ph monitor for the reactor if you have something like a aquacontroller 2 or can the aquacontroller do both tank ph and ca reactor ph?
jess, youll need something seperate. it can only do 1 or the other as it only has 1 ph probe and 1 ph connection on the aquacontroller.

if you need both, id do the aquacontroller for the ca reactor to maintain correct chamber ph, and a monitor for tank ph,

you could setup your cal reactor to the right ph inside the chamber(6.6 or so) and have the aquacontroller keep an eye on ph in the whole tank, and if it drops too low, it can shut off the co2.
so in theory you could dial in the reactor w/ the aquacontroller and then when it is consistant move the ph probe to the main tank and monitor it from there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8719151#post8719151 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
so in theory you could dial in the reactor w/ the aquacontroller and then when it is consistant move the ph probe to the main tank and monitor it from there.

Probably not a good idea. You want to constantly monitor the pH of a calcium reactor.