piping schematic


New member
hi, I have a 120 gal reef with a 10 gal. sump. I just built a fish room in my basement below the tank thats on the floor above. I have acquired a 150 gal. rubbermaid tub and a 90 gal. glass tank that's not drilled out. The tub was used in someone else's setup but not sure if it was just a sump. I would like to create a fish room with all the bells and whistles over a period of time. But for now I would like to incorporate my new pieces and get the system up and running leaving accomadations for additional equipment in the future. At this point in time I'm trying to find out how I should pipe it. Believe it or not I am a plumber but I can't find this in my code book! Any advice or diagrams would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks in advace
Here are some shots from my previous tank that sat on the floor above the basement. I plumbed 2 drains from the display to the basement. One went to the sump and the other to a refugium which then dumped into the sump. The return pump then pumped the water back to the main display. The first shot shows the 2 main drains coming from the upstairs.


Here's another shot of the 2 drains (on the back wall) and the return line off the pump.


This pic is the plumbing behind the display. Two drains and one return.


Hope this helps.
extremely helpful! I should do the same thing using my 90 gal. as a refugium and the 150 as the sump. Can I drill a hole in my all glass 90 or should I use an overflow box?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9046676#post9046676 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hunter57
extremely helpful! I should do the same thing using my 90 gal. as a refugium and the 150 as the sump. Can I drill a hole in my all glass 90 or should I use an overflow box?

Depends. Check to make sure the glass is not tempered. Usually the sides are not tempered, but the bottoms could be. If you don't want to chance it you can install the overflow box (although I don't care for them) or find a tank you know is not tempered. I persanlly went to a local plastic (acrylic) shop and had them make me one. Cost me less than $200 and I could drill it myself with a hole saw and a drill.
Thank you very much for your help. I checked out your tank of the month, very impressive. I can see I'm talking to the right guy!
WOW now thats a diagram! Great pictures, great tank hope to have a system like that some day The people here at reef central really make this hobby enjoyable. Especially when you think your getting in over your head! Thanks!
Let us know if you have specific questions, I know I had a bunch once started hitting the ground.
For starters do not forget a good drain in the fish room at floor level, ideal to drain the sump on water changes and a large sink and a couple of extra faucets to connect the RO/DI plus a hose for washing things around.
Also notice in the installation some if not most of the equipment that require maintenance is on shelves (Including sumps), it is a pain working bent over with stuff on the floor.
Also plenty of dedicated electrical outlets.
I ran two independent circuits directly from the main.
Good things to keep in mind. I'm sure I'll have more questions soon. Especially when its time to set up the auto top off, reactor selections, and of course monitors, controllers and dosers OH MY! I love it! Thanks again!