Planning for Future Skimmer


New member
As it stands right now I will be using an ASM G2 that I am going to do a couple of mods to improve it's performance. I eventually want to replace this with a more efficient skimmer (when money permits)

I will be building the frame for my stand this Sunday and it occurred to me that If I want to replace the skimmer down the road I should make sure I have enough room under the stand to accommodate said new skimmer.

Seeing that I am new to the higher end skimmer market and there are so many styles and types and manufacturers out there. I thought I would ask you guys to help me narrow down the makes and models I can research.

My requirements are pretty basic. Must be in sump capable, no room under stand for external and must be rated for (or from practical experience known good for) 150 - 200 gallon tanks.
Depends on the height of the stand as well as how much room you'll have and budget. My #1 right now is probably the ETSS after seeing them being used on people's tanks (gasman) and seeing how clean his tank was and such. #2 would be A recirc needlewheel, Deltec if you can afford it, if not, then #3 EuroReef is great as well. External for Needlewheel if you can afford it or have the room for it, but if you don't/can't, then their in-sump ones are awesome as well. You can even recirc an insump to improve the efficiency.

Also make sure to get the tallest skimmer you can under there, as the height helps contact time to improve efficiency.

Goodluck, and let us know what you end up with :)
price is a factor when it comes to higher end skimmers. What are you looking to spend?

deltecs, h&s, ATI make pretty nice high end skimmers. you can also look into the budget line DAS skimmers, alot of people seem to love em.
Well since I am just planning ahead, stand height is the main reason for me asking about this today. I want to make the stand just high enough so people can view my tank from the top down as well as from the sides.

I'll be able to save up to get whatever skimmer I want. So price is always a concern but if it was worth the money It would be worth the wait while I save up for it.

That being said If I were to get near the same quality/performance from the ETSS reef devil deluxe as a comparatively sized Deltec it would seem a waste of money to go with the Deltec.

It appears to me that each of the high end skimmers has their own set of fanbois. thats why I also did not post this on the main site. I trust the opinions of you guys here more than them.

after looking at a few of the brands you guys are suggesting and the tank sizes they are recommended for they are all around the same height ranging from like 19 - 22 inches