Planted Tank


New member
I guess I should have posted my questions here instead of in Advanced Reefkeeping... Sorry about that!

I am wanting to start a planted tank for my Banggai's and my seahorses (erectus). I have quite a bit of reef experience, but have never ventured past macro's. So plants are all new to me.

I do not know where to begin... Do I use a traditional sand substrate? Or use mud? Or something else? Since most plants are lagoonal, do I need to do this with MH lighting? What type of water flow is needed? Since this will be for seahorses and cardinals, they do not like much flow. Is this OK with the plants? What are good blade type plants to use? Should I stick to I plant type of do a variety? Other than lighting, do plants need special additives and such? Do they eat off of critter waste like macros? Are there any clean-up guys that I should, or should NOT use?

Sorry for all the questions. I really want to do this and do this correctly. I have not been able to find any books that are on this topic. Any help and/or suggestions would be terrific!


A lot of these questions could be answered by spending some time reading old threads. I would suggest looking through some previous posts.

I clicked on that link but it wanted me to log in. I do not have an account ther. Can you paraphrase the thread that was posted there?

Misti is a moderator there and treasurer of MAAST.

She posted her frustration about skylsdale's reply. Before posting this thread, she went through the past 100 days of threads in this forum and found mostly threads about macroalgae and little to nothing about actual plants (seagrass, etc.).

I ran into the same problem a few months back and had to PM billsreef to get my questions answered about seagrasses. A thread on this subject would be nice. I'm not saying that such threads do not exist, but they are too few and far between.