Planting Macro?


New member
how do i plant my macro is there any special way to do it or do i just stick it in there what does it need to grow the lady said it was caulerpera i wish i could post a pic but i dont know how:confused:
Hey cfrazee,

Caulerpa attaches to its substrate with rhizoids. Are you going to put it on a rock or onto sand / crushed coral? I would lay it out with the fronds ("leaves") pointing upward and set two small rocks on top of the horizontal runner to hold it in place. In a short amount of time it'll produce rhizoids that will attach it tot he sand or crushed coral. There is a guide that explains how to post pictures. I'll see if I can find the link.

The "rhizoids" are little rootlike structures that come out of the horizontal "runner" which is like a stem. The runner is the horizontal, ground hugging stem that is the main body of the alga.

If you want to upload photos to your gallery, this tells you how:

Also, I noticed you have a feather star. How is it doing? Do you have any pictures of it? What do you feed it?

Our feather star died almost imediately. We fed cyclopeeze, zooplex and phytoplex. The tank also had floating pods. I don't know what happended. Every nite he would head to the top of the LR open up and reach for the moonlite. pleanty of filter feeding opportunity. Awsome creature. Heart breaker.
I'm sorry. I would love to try to keep one as they are so pretty but it seems they are very fragile organisms.

Thanks for the info,
Sorry to hijack the post, but I have C.prolifera in my sump.. Does it matter if the runners just 'hang' loose in the water, it looks a little unsitely because red hair algae tends to wrap around the 'roots' coming from the runners. Its just that today I notice gametes on the leaves, I run 24/7 lighting. and have no explanation why the plant is trying to go sexual..

.. Tony
Tony, I think Caulerpa is OK just kind of dangling around in a fuge. Gametes appear as a white cloud released from the thallus ("plant" body) which becomes pale. I don't believe one is able to see them. Do you have a picture?
