plastic cover on aquarium


New member
Just set up a new 125 gal tank a week and a half ago and I am getting alot of water evaporation. I bought the tank used should it have come with some kind of cover to stop the evaporation. It does have a hood with lights that is about 12 inches over the tank .
Water evaporation is good, it promotes cooling!

I would not put covers on as they trap heat and somewhat prevent light from penetrating the water. Plus they get messy and are a pain to remove and clean all the time LOL.

I would just invest in a simple Auto Top off to replenish the evaporated water, and just watch the tank temps.

I lose about 1-2 gallons a day in evaporation on my 90G, and I have a chiller.


You also want a good oxygen exchange from the water's surface and a cover would hinder that process. I have a 20g with no top whatsover and a light fixture that puts the lights about 6" above the water level. I also lose about 1/2 gal/day, so I got an auto top off system which is great because i can dose beneficial additives to my tank slowly with this system.