Please help identify skeletal looking growth under my mushroom


New member

I added a couple of elephant ear mushrooms to my tank about 3 months ago. They were attached to a small piece of rock. To the best of my knowledge - they were not glued to the rock but rather attached themselves.

Through the process of trying to get them to walk off the small rock and onto my base rock, I noticed a strange 'growth' under one of the shrooms. I'd like help in identifying it. One LFS told me it may be a glue bubble. But, the shroom has since moved a bit and appears to be recreating the foreign object again. It almost looks like a calcium growth or left over cocoon.

Any ideas? These are my first mushrooms and from what I've read, this is not indicative of how they split.



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Is the texture of this growth soft, if so might be some type of sponge. Not sure, can't tell for sure from ur pic
it's not soft. one LFS suggested it was a glue bubble and it seems to be of that consistency but I've noticed the shroom folding again and it looks like it creating a second mass. Do mushrooms create sponges?
U might have to remove the mushroom, I have never had this so called bubble mass so don't know how to advise you. But if it is continuing to grow...yikes. Get the mushroom off, not hard to do, just slice it off with a sharp blade. It will be able to grow onto something else. And remove this bubble mass or whatever it is......good luck