Please help me


New member
Hi could some kind person please help me i am a new beginner with marine fish i have just set up a tank the moment i have just live rock and a couple of small coral ie leather glove and green mushroom .2 blue legged hermit crabs and 3 turbo snails......the problem is i bought a new piece of live rock the other day and i keep seeing these legs peeking out of one of the holes but mainly at night i havnt had a really good look at it the best description i can give is as follows...........very pale brown body with fairl longish cream and browny banded legs that seem to be spiny or furry now i know it is deffo a crab but was hoping some one could help me out a little as he is obviously a hitchhiker and dont know what he is exactly or if he is beneficial or harmful to my aquarium.....sorry the description is a bit sketchy but its the best i can do..thanks in advance carl :)
Welcome to reef central. This question would be better served by asking it in the "new to the hobby " section. Having said that it sounds like you have a gorilla crab and you should try and get him out as soon as you can.

A good rule for crabs is if it has hair you dont want it:twitch:
I' ve never heard of such a thing. Thanks for posting. Something new to keep an eye out for.