if anyone asks, it's $10
I bought a Yuma about 2 months ago....was doing well up until a couple weeks's mouth started to open wide (a very bad sign, supposedly)....but then it closed again and remained closed for a week...
then it opened up wide again a few days ago....but last night it closed up and was appearing to excrete's currently closed.
The edges of the Yuma are curled up on one side, but the other side looks OK.
it is positioned on the bottom right side of my tank, on the sandbed.....the light in that area is not VERY bright, as I have a couple more Yumas there that are doing quite well
here's a pic, when it was first purchased.
anyone have any advice??
I bought a Yuma about 2 months ago....was doing well up until a couple weeks's mouth started to open wide (a very bad sign, supposedly)....but then it closed again and remained closed for a week...
then it opened up wide again a few days ago....but last night it closed up and was appearing to excrete's currently closed.
The edges of the Yuma are curled up on one side, but the other side looks OK.
it is positioned on the bottom right side of my tank, on the sandbed.....the light in that area is not VERY bright, as I have a couple more Yumas there that are doing quite well
here's a pic, when it was first purchased.
anyone have any advice??