Please send me some of your website ideas for WTMRAC


Reef Guru
I am about to update the website. Could any of you please email or PM me any ideas that you would like, or want to see implemented? Do a google search for other reef clubs in the US and see what others are doing that you like, and pass that on to me. I want to get it current and full of helpful ideas and information. Let me know your ideas!
photo gallery
photo of the month
members emails or RC handles
calculators (sand beds , Dosing , Live Rock)

Thats just what a club in Lubbock Texas has.Some clubs have their own forums. We sure dont need that we can barely keep our subforum alive ,lol.
I know this is off the Topic but I could not resist.....

"What is your Zombie contingency plan?"

Zombieland Rules

1. Cardio
2. The Double Tap
3. Beware of Bathrooms
4. Wear Seat Belts
5. No Attachments
6. The “Skillet”
7. Travel Light
8. Get a Kick A$$ Partner
9. With your Bare Hands
10. Don’t Swing Low
11. Use Your Foot
12. Bounty Paper Towels
13. Shake it Off
14. Always carry a change of underwear
15. Bowling Ball
16. Opportunity Knocks
17. Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
18. Limber Up
19. Break it Up
20. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
21. Avoid Strip Clubs
22. When in doubt Know your way out
23. Zipplock
24. Use your thumbs
25. Shoot First
26. A little sun screen never hurt anybody
27. Incoming!
28. Double-Knot your Shoes
29. The Buddy System
30. Pack your stain stick
31. Check the back seat
32. Enjoy the little things
33. Swiss army Knife
I know this is off the Topic but I could not resist.....

"What is your Zombie contingency plan?"

Zombieland Rules

1. Cardio
2. The Double Tap
3. Beware of Bathrooms
4. Wear Seat Belts
5. No Attachments
6. The "œSkillet"
7. Travel Light
8. Get a Kick A$$ Partner
9. With your Bare Hands
10. Don't Swing Low
11. Use Your Foot
12. Bounty Paper Towels
13. Shake it Off
14. Always carry a change of underwear
15. Bowling Ball
16. Opportunity Knocks
17. Don't be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
18. Limber Up
19. Break it Up
20. It's a marathon, not a sprint, unless it's a sprint, then sprint
21. Avoid Strip Clubs
22. When in doubt Know your way out
23. Zipplock
24. Use your thumbs
25. Shoot First
26. A little sun screen never hurt anybody
27. Incoming!
28. Double-Knot your Shoes
29. The Buddy System
30. Pack your stain stick
31. Check the back seat
32. Enjoy the little things
33. Swiss army Knife

Thanks for Volunteering Doug! You're Hired! Thanks for volunteering for the Frag swap! Noted!!!