Plumbing Question

Hi All

Going to be starting a piping job on my new tank 375 gallons . The setup will use and external pump that will feed through a manifold and power a skimmer, algae scrubber and UV light , potentially a chiller in future depending how the temps respond once up and running. The skimmer and scrubber drains will return to the sump as they naturally produce some bubble. But I'm curious if it possible to pipe the UV and chiller (produce no bubble) potentially in a way (using a T or y fitting) that the drains can be mergered back in line with main supply that will not restrict the flow "in" to the uv/chiller in a major way. Hoping that by doing this i can save on overall head loss and gph loss in the event i want to pipe something in later and need to power it as well . Thought?



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    tank design.png
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Not sure that I understand, but in short yes but it will be more trouble than it is worth trying to keep tHings balanced.
In short if the water it returning to the tank and spits to the UV, can the water that returns from the UV be reintroduced to the supply line after the T on the manifold without creating a significant back pressure that prevents water from even going to the UV if there is too much resistance. For record I'm planning to return all to sump, this though just popped in my head last minute before i got started thought id ask, dont think its easy to do .
anytime that you have a loop split into multiple paths with devices that can/do change flow characteristics, the flow to each of those devices gets hard to keep in perfect balance.