Polyps not Opening, Others Bailing


I have a coliny of small green zoos that completely cover a softball sized piece of live rock. I've had it for nearly a year, and it has always looked great. About two weeks ago some of the polyps stopped opening. Over time more and more polyps stopped opening, and not nearly all of them stay closed 24 hours/day. It looks like ther emight be some kind of fungus or algae growing on/between polyps. I'm not sure what is going on. I keep Montipora, Euphilia, clams and Ricordia with no issues.

I have another relatively new colony of red centered polyps "whammin watermellon" which have had polyps bail from the colony. In this case I think that it was light exposure (250W MH). I moved the colone yo a shadier locatin, but it appears that the polyp bailout is still occuring, although at a much reduced rate.

Any insight into these events would be appreciated.

I added a rock with a half dozen Rhodactis mushrooms on it at around the same time that I started seeing polyp extension issues. It wasn't instantaneous, but it was a week or so later. I added the "whammin watermellon" zoos at the same time as the Rhodactis.

I continuously run carbon in a media reactor and ozone. ORP runs around 350 mV.

Did the new zoas start having problems first or did the ones you had for a while start having problems before the new ones?

Have you looked to see if you have any pests bothering them?

Did the new zoas start having problems first or did the ones you had for a while start having problems before the new ones?

Have you looked to see if you have any pests bothering them?


The Zoos added with the Rhodactis had polyp bailout which still continues to this day, although it is now much reduced.

I have seen no evidence of pests although it appears as though algae growth between polyps is resulting in hermit crabs climbing over the colony which they obviously do not appreciate.

I've had similar issues and I did a furan 2 dip and the ones that were not eaten by my yellow tang opened up after a few days
you may have nudi or infection try to dip it with Revive and change the coral location , it may get better good.