Pom Pom (I think Red Sea) Xenia requirements.


New member
I was wondering if you could tell me what the requirements are for this type of Xenia.

Do they like lower flow?
Direct low flow or non-direct?
Direct high flow or non-direct?

Closer to the bottom?
On the sand?
Middle height?

Iodine supplements needed?
Mine grows like a weed. It started about halfway down the rock and migrated to the top. It also started in an area of low flow and moved to high flow. They seem to grow equally as well in high and low flow, but pulse less in high flow. The flow is indirect.

I don't dose any iodine.


2x150 W HQI 10k 2x120W PC 50/50

PCs on at 8 am Off at 6 pm
HQIs on 10 am Off at 5 pm
How long does it usually take to acclimate these Xenia to a tank? I am not talking about acclimating from bag to tank, but acclimating itself in the tank so it can start pumping.

Also, is that 361,200,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water in the ocean a true number you have there in your interests section.
I just watched someone's reef video that said xenia polishes phosphates out of the water...is that true? can they be kept under 260watt pc's? what other corals clean the water out?
Mine took about a week and a half to fully inflate.

Yeah, that is really the amount of gallons in the ocean. Interesting, huh?

Xenia is known to suck up nutrients. It think it will live under PCs. From what I understand, though, they prefer intense lighting.
Well mine don't look too good... I got them on Friday and now its Sunday night..... So what I did was acclimate them to my seahorse tank.....maybe I'll have better luck there.....
Many theories on wether they polish up the trates in the water. They will grow rather quickly under strong lighting and higher nutrient water. Since I switched over to bb, they have grown slower and pulsed a little slower :) They love bright lighting however!
In my tank, the closer they are to the light, the more they pulse. Also, low flow lets them expand and pulse more. Weed, yes in deed.

BTW I am using 130w of PC on my 29g.
me too....over my 29g..... (seahorse tank)....but I think it is low in nutrients..... I run a lot of carbon to keep the water super clear and the algae down.... I also have a lot of proliera algae.....so this mioght be the reason for the low nutrients....

hopefully they will come around.....though I doubt it.....its been 3 days now and they have not comeout and pulsed once.....rather, they are kinda of deflated.....